In the world of e-commerce there are 2 different formats: by commercial profile, and by business model.
If digital commerce does not convince you, we invite you to see our article «The importance of digitizing your company».
What are the e-commerce models by business profile?
The models that fall into the classification of business profile are those that are segmented according to the type of customers and transactions that are made, here we list some of them:
B2B (Business-to-Business):Companies whose end customers are other companies or organizations. An example could be a store selling raw materials for the footwear industry.
B2C (Business-to-Consumer):Companies that sell directly to the end consumers of the product or service. An example could be a gift store, clothing store or any end-use product.
C2B (Consumer-to-Business):These are portals where consumers publish a product or service and interested companies make offers. An example is the various job portals.
B2E (Business-to-Employer): These are the well-known employee stores in the virtual mode. Many companies have this type of benefit.
C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): These are companies that help the sale of products from one consumer to another. For example, Segunda Mano.
G2C (Goverment-to-Consumer): These are products and services offered by the government to the end consumer. For example, drinking water services.
C2G (Consumer-to-Goverment). These are services that consumers offer to the government. For example, consultancy, training, etc.
What are the e-commerce models by business model?
Those that are segmented by business model are adapted to products and consumers.
We share with you some of them:
Online store: These are virtual stores of a specific company. The greatest strength of this model is the specific direction towards the products that the company sells, strengthening the brand image. However, it is an expensive and complex model to manage.
Drop shipping: In this model there is a third party participating, since the seller does not send the product, but the third party does it.
It is an attractive model that delegates distribution and also delegates inventory control.
Affiliate e-commerce: This is the sale of products through the platform of a virtual store or sales portal. What it does is to refer the customer to another store, which pays a commission when the sale is closed.
Membership: In this model, recurring purchases are sought. The way to achieve this is with a subscription.
It is a profitable model, but it requires a lot of maintenance and constant innovation to keep buyers.
Market place: We can conceptualize it as a store of stores. It is a place where different vendors offer their products. It is an attractive model that guarantees a good volume of sales, although the commissions are high.
Services: A relatively new model, it consists of the exclusive sale of professional services aimed at individuals or companies.
The solution lies in knowing in depth the characteristics of your business so that its digitalization is the most assertive!
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