Gira en México y Perú
Creamodite es una comunidad fundada en 2017, dentro de sus objetivos principales se encuentra el poner en valor los negocios creativos.
Con esto
A new reform is approved for the law on foreigners in Spain. If you are already in Spain or you have any plans there for the future, this is for you!
An important reform will be applied on the regulation that rules the foreigner law in Spain.This means enormous benefits for those who want a residency permit. The aproval of this reform facilitates labour contracting as well as residency permits for foreign students that want to stay in the country or even people that already lives in Spain irregularly.
The goverment will modify the Royal decree 55 7/2011 (RLOEX) which regulates this law in the territory. This new reform will entry into force at the end of august 2022.
Below you will find a list with the main meassurements that have been implemented for foreigners.
The reform will facilitate the hiring of foreigners in several strategic sectors, this will add more working roles to the actual catalogue, making it less restrictive and opening the doors to a wider audience.
¡If your working role is not in the catalogue, dont worry! The deadlines and timings to obtain the certificatin will be reduced facilitating the tramits with the Spanish foreigner office for enterprises that want to hire personnel.
This actualization promotes selfwork amplifying the set of residency permits.
The new reform will elimiate some of the elements that difficult the tramit making everything more flexible.
However. the experience and qualification requirements will still be the same.
If you are part of WEF´s community, and you are in one of our stydy programs or our labour practices program ¡this will interest you!
Foreignere studens that live in Spain will have great benefits to achieve a working permit.
There will no be necessary anymore to accomplish at least 3 years of residency to modify a visa for a working one. Depart from august 2022 students that have finished their studies in Spain will be able to start the tramit.
Apart from this, the amount of working hours permited for students will increase from 20 to 30 hours per week.
So far it was not possible to freelance if you have a working permission
Now, if you have a permision by your own, once is renovated you will be able to work indistinctly for an enterprise or independently as a freelance.
A new form of entrenchment is being evaluated: entrench for eduation.
This permit of excepcional circumstances has a duration of one year for foreigners in irregular situation who commits to study and have an official title.
*This permit can be prorrogated for 12 months with the condition of mantaining the studies.
About the requirements that are needed, one of them is to have resided for at least 2 years irregularly and not having any criminal record.
Work Experience Fashion is an itinerant international formation centre that offers creative experiences, formative capsules and an international internship program.
If you want to know more about this programs click here, or contat us at info@workef.com.
Creamodite es una comunidad fundada en 2017, dentro de sus objetivos principales se encuentra el poner en valor los negocios creativos.
Con esto
Se ha producido una importante reforma en el reglamento que regula la ley de extranjería en España. Eso significa grandes ventajas para quienes quieren
Realizar una estancia de estudios en otro país implica una serie de trámites y procesos que también forman parte de la experiencia. Sabemos que
Creamodite es una comunidad fundada en 2017, dentro de sus objetivos principales se encuentra el poner en valor los negocios creativos.
Con esto
Se ha producido una importante reforma en el reglamento que regula la ley de extranjería en España. Eso significa grandes ventajas para quienes quieren
Creamodite es una comunidad fundada en 2017, dentro de sus objetivos principales se encuentra el poner en valor los negocios creativos.
Con esto
Financiado por el ministerio de industria, comercio y turismo
Financiado por la Unión Europea – Next Generation EU
Colaboración de la Comunidad de Madrid
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